Get an in-depth report on your site's SEO right now, for FREE!

Why Perform a PatientX Website Audit?

Patients look to the website for answers to their healthcare questions and research providers online before seeking services from that provider – we’ve seen a shift to a more “retail” like process for patients in choosing a provider. This means you want your digital patient experience to match or exceed the quality of your internal patient processes and procedures. The PatientX Audit will provide a thorough review and report on the health of your website.

You see, getting your healthcare website to rank in Google is more challenging and more competitive than ever before. There are many factors such as on page content, performance, social factors, and backlink profile that search engines like Google use to determine which sites should rank highest. In a more retail-like healthcare environment, you want to make sure you rank as high as possible. The PatientX Audit will review these factors, and much more, to help identify problems that could be holding your website back from its potential.

The PatientX Audit is a free Search Engine Optimization (SEO) audit tool that will perform a detailed SEO Analysis. It includes:

  • Review of 100 website data points
  • Clear and actionable recommendations to improve your online presence and rank better in Search Engine Results
  • A follow-up call with a PatientX website expert to help you with the next steps

The PatientX Website Audit is ideal for anyone who has a website, website owners, website designers, and or even digital agencies who want to improve their own sites or their clients.

And best of all, it’s free! Fill out the form above, and you will receive an immediate report in your browser, along with an email containing your report. A PatientX website expert will follow up with you to advise you on any necessary next steps or to congratulate you on a job well done!

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