Here is your


0 / 100

We’ll be in touch shortly with more information on how we can help you.

Breaking down your score:



Cultural Health

Cultural Health


Brand Health

Brand Health


Patient Satisfaction

Patient Satisfaction


Website Health

Website Health

0 / 100

Thanks for your interest in our

Self Assessment!

About this Survey

This brief survey takes less than 5 minutes to complete. We value your honesty. All responses are confidential. Your answers will only be used to provide you a PatientX Score self assessment rating and for our team to provide you the best feedback possible about your score. The quality of your score and our recommendations depends on your honest feedback. Please answer each question thoughtfully and share your true experiences. We know you strive to provide the best possible care and experience for your patients. Your honest feedback is invaluable in helping you achieve that goal!


Do you have one staff member who is responsible for managing your company's brand and is regularly reviewing your brand and brand voice, both online and in print?


On a scale of 0-10, how aware do you believe your target audience is about your brand (10 is the most awareness)?


Would your patients consider your brand memorable?

Website Health

How easy is it for patients to find the information they need on your website?

For example, is the menu bar easy to navigate; are the most commonly used actions easily found in buttons and visible to the user; can the patient click your number and call your facility; are directions easily found; etc.

Website Health

How satisfied are you with the website's functionality on mobile devices (phone/tablet)?

If you aren't sure, pull up your website on your phone and pretend that you are patient or potential patient looking for information. For example, is it clear how to navigate the menu bar, are the most commonly used actions visible or easy to find; can they click a phone number and call your facility; etc.

Website Health

How satisfied are you with the accuracy of the content on your website? For example, is the content accurate, up-to-date, reflects the services offered, and represents your facility as experts and leaders in your field

Online Reputation

Do you regularly monitor and update your online listings?

Online Reputation

We regularly monitor our online reviews and always respond to negative reviews.

Online Reputation

We use a HIPAA compliant online reputation management software or consider HIPAA best practices in our management.


How well do you believe your full team - from executive management to all levels of the organization - currently executes on your mission, vision, and values?


I believe that communication channels are very open between management and employees.


Does the work environment feel inclusive and respectful of all individuals (employees and patients) and considers cultural barriers when acquiring new patients?

Patient Satisfaction

Are you implementing any patient surveys beyond the minimum required of your facility?

Patient Satisfaction

Do you have the ability to implement patient surveys though your EMR, either via email or text?

Patient Satisfaction

Our team regularly reviews patient survey results and implement plans to make improvements.

Additional Information

Please take a moment to tell us more about your company.
All responses are confidential.
Your answers will not be reflected in the PatientX Score.

Considering the entire patient journey from beginning to end, are there specific areas you feel your company could improve the patient experience? Please provide examples.

Please specify your company's business goals

  • Increase revenue by X%
  • Increase X service line by X% of patients
  • Improve online patient reviews by X%
  • Increase NPS patient survey by X%

Are there specific areas your company could use help with marketing or Public Relations? Please be specific.

On a scale of 0 to 10 (0 being the least and 10 the most), how committed are you to investing into improvements of your patient experience?

Hi, nice to
meet you!

What’s your name?

What’s the website for the business you own or work for?

How can we get a hold of you to discuss your score?