Inbound Marketing: A Friendlier Approach to Business

Inbound Marketing: A Friendlier Approach to Business

In past years and decades, business was viewed as a ruthless, fierce world where you had to squash your enemies and conquer your clients. That isn’t the case anymore. A more gentle, friendly approach is key in business. As a result of the information age, clients have higher expectations. If they are unhappy with your service, they can find someone to replace you quickly and with ease. Buyers have all the power. Rather than being cold and transactional, being successful in business is now about being warm, relational, and providing a better experience for those you serve.

It may sound as simple as being nice to your clients, but succeeding in business nowadays requires much more strategy and analytical thinking than just remembering your p’s and q’s. There is a wide variety of business strategies for you to utilize, but you might get lost in some and forget about the main concern of modern business: fostering positive relationships, providing a better experience. However, inbound marketing is an approach to doing business that employs modern, optimal tools, such as social media and web, while being people-minded and focused on creating relationships and experiences for clients.

In contrast to older forms of business and marketing, inbound marketing is completely focused on what the client wants. Inbound marketing is a philosophy of helping people by educating them. It utilizes online content like blog posts, downloadable resources, and informative social media posts to create awareness amongst potential clients and customers. Through creating awareness, a positive relationship is fostered between company and client. A company can show its expertise through inbound marketing channels, which can create a sense of trust and attract potential clients. Once they’re attracted by your expertise, they’ll be engaged with the helpful information you’re providing. And while they’re engaging with content on your website or social media pages, it’s your duty to delight them by providing a wonderful experience. Having a website that is user-friendly and easy to navigate is part of creating a better experience online for your clients, but utilizing your social media channels to actively engage them is equally as important. Attracting, engaging, and delighting is part of a grander strategy to convert potential clients into a client, provide a better experience for your existing clients, and optimize your business’ online presence to drive growth.

65 Inbound Marketing Terms to Know


Becoming fluent in the lingo of inbound marketing will help you gain insight on how to provide a better experience for your patients. We hope our resource aids you in growing and serving your patients better.

While inbound marketing is focused on fostering positive relationships and providing better experiences for customers, its intent is to help your business grow. Traditional philosophies about conducting business would have you believe you need to be cutthroat to succeed, but that isn’t true anymore. Your business or practice can grow and reach new levels of success by employing inbound marketing strategies that keep you focused on serving people by creating awareness and sharing your expertise.