The PatientX Team, Now More Than Six Feet Apart

The PatientX Team, Now More Than Six Feet Apart

One of the many great reasons to have a career at PatientX is that we have always allowed our staff members to work from whatever location best suits their mood and makes them most productive. Be it from the office, a local coffee shop, car, or kitchen table, our flexible working environment makes for a happy workforce and happy clients. We actually have staff that always work remotely as they don’t office out of our homebase here in Sioux Falls. Why is this important? Following the CDC’s recommendations, our team will be working remotely, a.k.a from home, until further notice to help do our part in slowing the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

We have a Code of Honor that we operate by at PatientX, so we want to share how this code is even more important now.

  1. We do what ever it takes

Right now, doing whatever it takes means helping to keep our families, clients, and communities healthy by working from home. Furthermore, it means working flexible hours to help our clients meet their goals during these turbulent times.


  1. We are authentic and honest in our communication

Communicate, communicate, communicate! That’s our rally cry during these changing times. We’ve always been great at communicating — we are a marketing agency after all. We will be continuing our internal and client meetings via Zoom video or phone calls. Heck, Facetime us if you’d like, you might just get to see one of our family members or pets.


  1. We leave work at work and home at home

Well, this one doesn’t really apply now. But, we will do our best to provide our utmost attention to our clients during our office hours and our utmost attention to our families after office hours. But, please be patient with us during this time — you might hear a dog bark or child in the background of our phone or video calls, but it’s who we are and we strive to be authentic and transparent with you at all times.


  1. We stay focused

We don’t anticipate significant disruption to our day-to-day operations, however, we cannot predict what the impact could be and are adjusting as rapidly as the rest of the world is having to adjust. Due to school and daycare closings, there is the possibility that some team members will not be able to work or be available during our regular office hours. Our staff will continue to communicate any scheduling or project status changes with you should they arise. Please trust that we have your best interest in mind as we navigate this new experience.


  1. We value others time

Time is precious, so we have implemented guidelines for our staff to work by to ensure their time, as well as our client’s time.


  1. We do what we say, say what we do

This is our commitment to you, today and everyday, whether we are working at the office or remotely. Your project timelines are as important as ever and our team is working hard to ensure minimal interruptions to project timelines.


  1. We put clients first

Our client’s safety, as well as your staff and families, is very important to us. Additionally, helping you navigate your marketing strategy during these trying times is at the top of our priority list.


  1. We act like our client’s money is our money

We are dedicated to maintaining your marketing budgets and maximizing every dollar as if it were our own, everyday. The recent changes in our society due to COVID-19 has our team working diligently, and in some case around the clock to adjust your marketing strategies. This allows you to continue to reach your target markets with the message that matters to them most at this time. While some may view this time as a stumbling block and interruption to their plans, we consider it a time for great innovation and creativity and our team is up for the challenge. It’s what gets us out of bed every morning, always.


  1. We are willing to call and willing to be called on the code

We value your input and want to hear how our team is doing. Should you have concerns or questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Your input makes us a stronger team and a more valuable marketing partner. Please contact Michael at 605-321-9474 or Becky at 605-310-0030 anytime.