How to Market the Growth of ASCs

How to Market the Growth of ASCs

Healthcare is changing, and the future of the industry hinges on growth in key emerging modes of care such as ambulatory surgical centers (ASCs), and successfully marketing them to patients. As modern medicine continues to rapidly evolve and offer patients better and often miraculous care, more and more alternative forms of care become available.

Unfortunately, the price of healthcare is continuing to rise, and there is an alarming trend amongst American patients correlated with the increase in cost. Although there are some reasons for concern in healthcare, ASCs offer a solution that might help many people receive cost-effective care, thus providing care and continuing the growth and success of the healthcare industry.

“Revolutionary evolutions in healthcare will make result in more outpatient procedures and more successful and cost-effective care for patients.”

Ambulatory surgical centers offer outpatient surgical procedures, meaning they provide surgeries that do not require a hospitalization. By avoiding hospitalization, patients are able to save a lot of money on their care, compared to the bill they would receive for the same surgical procedure performed at a hospital.

Hospitals are, of course, the only reasonable option when it comes to extreme, intensive care, such as major surgeries, but ASCs are fully equipped and capable of caring for patients who require less intensive procedures. The capabilities of ASCs are continuing to expand, though, as more surgeries that used to require and overnight stay in a hospital can be done as outpatient procedures.

For example, recent innovations in cardiac surgery has allowed some procedures such as atherectomies and the placement or removal of pacemakers to be performed in ASCs. Revolutionary evolutions in healthcare will continue to make it easier for care providers to perform procedures in an outpatient manner, which will not only help save patients money, it will drive further growth in the healthcare industry.

“The ASC market is expected to reach $93.46 billion by 2025 and achieve a compound annual growth rate of 5.5% through 2025.”

The global ambulatory surgery center market is expected to reach $93.46 billion by 2025, and the demand for outpatient surgery centers is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 5.5 through 2025.[1]What’s driving that growth? According to the same study by Credence Research, the percentage of outbound patients has increased, due to an increase in in public health awareness and government programs that offer ambulatory healthcare services.

Those initiatives are likely linked to an effort to reduce the amount of deaths related to health problems resultant from non-communicable diseases, such as heart disease. By offering more cost-effective care through ASCs, healthcare professionals and governments are striving to stem those deaths. Patients are also a driving factor in the growth of ASCs, as public health awareness and a rising demand for minimally invasive surgical procedures continues to rise.[2]

“North America accounts for 45% of the ASC market, and the U.S. will especially see an increase in ASC growth.”

As healthcare costs rise in the United States and patients find it more difficult to afford their care, a growing ASC market will offer a more cost-effective solution. Credence Research estimates that North America accounts for 45% of the ASC market, which means the healthcare industry in the United States will especially see an increase in ASC growth.

Many surgeries are becoming available as outpatient procedures, but ophthalmic surgical procedures currently lead the ASC market. As more outpatient procedures become available though, in addition to those which are already widely performed with success in ASCs across the country, care providers can help their patients receive quality care and save money by recommending them to ASCs when it is a viable option.

“By tapping into the growth of the ASC market, especially the large market in North America, the healthcare industry can attain new levels of growth and help more people than ever receive the care they need.”

The potential for growth in the ASC market likely transcends the forecasted annual growth of 5.5% because of the strong desire for better care alternatives amongst Americans. As Americans look for more cost-effective methods of care, the economic powerhouse of the healthcare industry will need to shift some of its focus to ASCs.

Offering more convenient and cost-conscious care benefits patients, and it adds to the continued growth and success of healthcare, overall. By tapping into the growth of the ASC market, especially the large market in North America, the healthcare industry can attain new levels of growth and help more people than ever receive the care they need.

“The quality care and marketability of ASCs make them an attractive investment for healthcare.”

Care is an inherent quality of the healthcare industry, as its very name implies. Of course, care providers want to provide as many people with the care they need, and doing so in a cost-effective manner makes it even better. Although care is at the core of healthcare, the industry is still necessarily concerned about its growth and financial success.

While ASCs are an attractive investment for the healthcare industry because of their forecasted growth and desirability from a patient perspective, marketing ASCs is an important part of their success.

“When planning a five-year strategy to market an ASC, healthcare providers should consider the following steps: inform, laud, and evangelize.”

Our team at PatientX has found success marketing ASCs in a variety of ways. The most important part of marketing ASCs is to focus on the value and expert care they offer patients. Healthcare providers know the benefits of ASCs, but most patients don’t. When planning a five-year strategy to market an ASC, healthcare providers should consider the following steps: inform, laud, and evangelize.

Since the large majority of patients in the United States don’t know the benefits of ASCs, healthcare providers can begin a successful five-year marketing plan by simply informing patients. From our team’s experience, this includes creating blog posts or other helpful materials that inform patients and display your expertise.

When shown the facts of ASCs, especially their cost-effectiveness and quality care, patients are naturally more likely to have their procedure done at one. The second step is to laud or highlight your ASC’s quality of care or expert care providers. This shouldn’t be viewed as haughtiness or boastfulness; patients want to know the facts, and the facts show that ASCs employ expert teams of surgeons and other care providers, and their quality of care is equal to or often greater than hospitals. Highlighting your ASC’s care providers and excellent care through social media campaigns will draw attention, which plays an important part in the next step.

Evangelizing is the process of actively converting patients to believer in ASCs. While the first two steps of this process are parts of the conversion process, actively pursuing and converting more patients is an important next step in marketing ASCs. You’ve already informed them of the benefits of ASCS, and you’ve highlighted your team’s expertise and excellent care, so the next step is to do the same but to do it even more. Through that process, even more patients will be drawn to your ASC, which will help your team succeed and offer patients the care they need.

“Providing patients with quality care is at the core of healthcare, and ASCs are an excellent and marketable way to do so.”

Marketing ASCs is a vital part of their success, and doing so is not so challenging because of the nature of ASCs. They offer cost-effective, quality care that rivals or often surpasses hospitals. ASCs can be a flourishing investment for the healthcare industry if care providers take notice of the inherent qualities of Ambulatory Surgical Centers. Providing patients with quality care is at the core of healthcare, and ASCs are an excellent and marketable way to do so.


Healthcare is changing, and the future of the industry hinges on growth in key emerging modes of care, such as ambulatory surgical centers (ASCs). The capabilities of ASCs are continuing to expand, and their advances are driving the growth of the ASC market. According to research done by Credence Research, the ambulatory surgery center market is expected to grow steadily over the next decade. By tapping into the growth of the ASC market, especially the large market in North America, the healthcare industry can attain new levels of growth and help more people than ever receive the care they need.


[1]Hexa Research. “Ambulatory Surgery Centers Market Worth USD 93.46 Billion by 2025: Hexa Research.” PR Newswire: Press Release Distribution, Targeting, Monitoring and Marketing. March 06, 2019.

[2]Credence Research. “Ambulatory Surgery Centers Market By Surgery Type (Dental, Ophthalmology, Orthopedic, Cardiovascular, Endoscopy, Obstetrics, Cosmetology), By Services (Diagnosis, Treatment) – Growth, Future Prospects & Competitive Analysis, 2018 – 2026.” Market Research Reports.

[3]Credence Research. “Ambulatory Surgery Centers Market By Surgery Type (Dental, Ophthalmology, Orthopedic, Cardiovascular, Endoscopy, Obstetrics, Cosmetology), By Services (Diagnosis, Treatment) – Growth, Future Prospects & Competitive Analysis, 2018 – 2026.” Market Research Reports.